Tuesday, August 07, 2012

System WindowsFirewall: "query user incoming"

Or just Windows Media Player Network Sharing failing over mixed network on Windows 7, by default if you are on the same subnet it'll work. I had Xbox on and sharing it on to my Wireless network of 192.168.1.x range, so I was getting the above error. I had to go to Windows Firewall in Control Panel, click Advanced Settings, Inbound Rules. "Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service (HTTP-Streaming-In)" This is running on Port 10243 and enable the one for "Public" profile. Then you should be good to go.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Instant Upload continually syncing

I was having an issue with Google+'s feature of Instant Uploading all my pictures, it would never complete so I had to disable it. To fix this, disable Instant Upload in Accounts & Sync settings, go into Programs and find Google+, clear the data of it and then re-enable it. This should fix it.